Friday, August 20, 2010

The F-Word

Mack here to talk about the f-word. Not THAT f-word! I mean flirting, sheesh! By now you are (hopefully) past the passing of notes that say "check yes or no if you like me" stage. If not, I really can't help you.  Becks seems to think I'm some kind of pro at flirting (WRONG), but I'm an avid people watcher and I have been flirted with a bit, and I may or may not have done some flirting myself (okay, yes, I have), so here is what I have learned:

Before I start, please let me say, don't flirt at all if you don't meant it! Many hearts have been led on and broken by people who flirted just because they could and liked the power of it. Don't be one of those! Besides, word gets around fast, and you will soon find yourself very lonely.
Okay, back to our regularly scheduled program. La Flirt...

Be subtle and obvious at the same time. Right now you're thinking, what? What I mean is, you can make it known that you like someone without stalking, screaming out their name, or jumping in front of their car. How?  Little things go a long way.

1. Say you're in a group (maybe a party) and you're intended is there as well. Make a point to talk to him/her and really listen. Don't look off like you're thinking about something else. People love having your full attention. They feel special, and that's what you want, right?

2. Everyone's favorite subject is themselves. Ask your intended a question about him/herself and the conversation should be off and running. This is a good test of your intended's self-centeredness, because if the topic NEVER returns to you, it's a sure bet you will get bored with el-jerko pretty quick.   

3. Physical movements that show a touch of nervousness are actually signals to the other person that you like them. You may not even be aware of your fingers rubbing a necklace, your knee bobbing up and down, or that you are biting your lip. You are sending out subtle signals, so don't berate yourself for getting a few butterflies and letting them show. (These are good signals to watch for in others to see if they return your like.) 

4. Always make a point to say hi when you pass each other. Just that small recognition on a regular basis keeps your interest clear.

5. If you find out about a common interest, play it up. Everyone is looking for a way to connect. If you like the same sports, music, books, whatever, you might use this as a way to spend time together which could build into a relationship.

Flirting is part of testing the waters. It's what gets you closer to a person you are attracted to and then you can do some convoing to see if they live up to the hype that you've built in your mind. This is my #1 rule: ALWAYS BE YOURSELF. If you laugh when someone isn't funny, or pretend to know about something you don't, whatever flimsy beginning you  have will soon fall apart. Flirt a little, check them out, because looks ain't everything, baby.

1 comment:

  1. And don't forget to smile! Boys love positive attention, so a sincere compliment and a smile go a long way.

    Good luck!

