Saturday, August 14, 2010

Got a Zit?

Ever watch the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding"?  Apparently the father of the bride solved all of life's problem with Windex... even the groom's pre-wedding jitters (which happened to be a very big zit).

DON'T USE WINDEX ON YOUR FACE!!  Okay, now that we got that out of the way...

I so wish there was a cure-all for zits.  The truth of the matter is that you have hormones, therefore, you have zits.  It sucks, but that is just life.  Here are some tips to keeping your face in the clear.

Oil is a big problem in clogging your pores.  If you can keep those pores clean, the less zits you will get.  Here are some small things to do that make a big difference:

Never sleep on the same pillowcase twice.

Do you know how much skin and oil you shed in one night???  It is really gross if you consider how much gunk is accumulating on your pillow night after night.  Buy 5 or 6 extra pillow cases, switch them out nightly and then wash all of them at the end of the week.  Your face will thank you for it.

Rotate your facial cleansers.

Ever feel so fresh after switching to a new brand?  It is actually good to rotate cleansers weekly, giving your face that shine and glow all of the time.  High end cleansers that are fabulous are Velocity by Mary Kay ($18) and Perfectly Clean by Estee Lauder ($19).  However, I have gotten great results from St. Ives peach scrub mixed with Biore and Neutrogena.


I can't express how important keeping hydrated is.  You need at least 64 ounces a day (so get chugging!).  I am not talking pop, milk, or energy drinks either.  You need all 64 oz. of crystal clear water (H2O BABY!).  Consider it like a face wash from the inside out.  Granted you'll be making a lot of trips to the bathroom, but it is worth having perfect zit free skin.  Results are best with consistency.  Vibrant skin will start peeking through around a week and will be clearing up around 2 weeks.

Don't Pick It!

I know it is tempting, but keep those fingers away from your face!  Consider this: it takes 8 days for a zit to heal on its own and 14 days for it to heal if you keep on picking at it.  When you attack your zits with a vengeance all you are doing is agitating your skin, damaging it, and adding dirt from your fingers and nails to it.  Hands OFF!!

So good luck!  School is starting and you need to look your best.  Have a question or a comment?  Drop us a line and we'll answer everything we can get to!




  1. I should send a print of this to all the kids I know who have bangs simply to cover their zitty foreheads. (I find that sad.)

    These are great tips! The most interesting of which I think was the pillow case switching. I need to figure out a way to manage that (it doesn't help that there's a specific print on my pillow cases, and they don't sell them anymore). I'll also ask my mom about buying a larger variety of face cleansers.

    Thank you!

    P.S. "Got a Zit?" as your first post title? Brilliance.

  2. Spread the word Muffin! We have loads more tips and tricks coming!

  3. Huh, I never thought about the pillow case deal. Good advice! =)

  4. Thanks for commenting! Becks gets all the credit for this one!
